WTC Chauffeur
  • WTC provides professional chauffeur service with high quality standards for Saudi Arabia & Gulf.


Questions About Your Reservation

Open the “New Booking” screen where your current location is automatically determined via GPS. You can also mark your location on the map or search for it using Google Maps.

Slide the round button at the bottom of the screen to choose your favorite car type.

Tap on “Set Pick up Location” button to identify your pickup location.

Enter additional information (optional) and tap on the “Request button” to request your ride.

In case you want to change other information (i.e. pickup location, car type, date and time), you will need to cancel the created booking and create a new one.



Yes.  Your credit card information is kept highly private while using WTC Chauffeur app to book rides.  All data is transferred in an encrypted format to guarantee the most secure transactions.


Other Generic Questions

WTC Chauffeur is currently available for iOS and Android operating system. The iOS version should be 7.0 or later and the Android version should be 4.0 or later. So you need to own an iOS or Android smart device.